Do you know about the animation that special? Animation is a very special form of media. This allows complete re-presentation of reality. Funny animation to attract the audience to become a destination. Website, presentations, product demos, advertising, people must show some funny animation stuff to attract the attention of readers or viewers. It's very easy now with the help of computers, software and tools. Create animated graphics and animation work, so also funny. Animation may not be so strong, but widely used and appreciated. Funny animation is very popular in computer games, Cartoon channel, etc. blockbuster film Funny Games is used to fill the gap enough that when reality is not enough.
Funny Animation is the process that connects a series of slightly different funny cartoons together to simulate movement. Usually there are 24 or fewer frames per second in the film and move it occurs in a similar animated GIFs you see on the website.
Techniques used to Funny animation:
There are three types of cartoon animation techniques: 1. Cel Animation cartoons made on a transparent sheet (celluloid) placed on top of one another to combine the character and background.
2. Stop Motion Animation is a model or cartoons or puppets (or shadow) is a picture frame at a time, with small changes in position.
3. Computer animation where the computer is used to create the shape and color of animated action, working from a series of mathematical codes, or can be drawn frame by frame cartoons.
The use of popular Funny Animation:
User interface design in software, web applications and web sites, many are funny animation popularly used. Button, pop-up stuff, comment boxes, help (such as MS word and help the search dog) with the animation is designed to give pleasure to see the animation. There are many funny animation used in electronic media ads on television and the Internet. Advertisers can create ads funny animated film without the human model. They can redirect to where the animated characters. There are lots of animated cartoon films have been made in the Hollywood film industry.
Making animation
Storyboards first is the preparation of documents that convey a list of tasks that must be done sequentially. Make body shape, face, hands, feet, and placed the dress up is a color sequential steps. You can use some form of public, for the face alphabets, flowers, trees, houses etc. Based on the remote object you must limit the size of an object or character. On your computer can repeat a part of the image using the mirror image effect.
Think of some funny voice that is suitable for your item or character movement animation movement. To be a good animator funny, you should think about how you can change shape and move in a way humorous.
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