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Clay Animation

Clay animation is also known as the Claymation, in fact, registered trademarks created by Will Vinton Studios to describe their clay animated movies. Now the term usually used to refer to all the stop motion animation, which is three-dimensional, rather than traditional animation, this is not.

Clay animation is increasingly popular around the world. Use in schools around the world, clay animation, make teaching easier. Actively encourage students to use their artistic and creative talent, and use this technology to tell a story. Clay animation is to attract a wide variety of learners. For example, language skills are being taught to use clay animation. Logic and mathematical skills with the use of clay animation, involving digital photography and video editing technology.

Clay animation helps to make learning more fun. It encourages students in cooperative projects. Not only young people, one would agree that there will be any fun to make characters on the screen approach. Clay animation is also applicable to continuous visual basic principles. Persistence of vision creates the illusion of movement, so you think the object is moving. You can easily create a small image of two simple clay animation using this principle. All you need is a PC software necessary to start.

You can find online resources and clay animation a lot of information. In fact, you can these online resources through the following steps mentioned in most of your own clay animation. Is there anything we can do for your imagination and knowledge of the clay animation a bit limited. Or you can participate in their own institutions, who can teach you to clay animation


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